[streaming] Re: system requirements+stream terrestial TV

Benjamin PRACHT bigben at via.ecp.fr
Sun Jun 8 17:54:45 CEST 2003

Well, according to out tests, streaming with a PVR 250 gives much better
results then software encoding. However, this  is mostly due to the poor
quality of  the tuners  used on  the TV cards  without an  encoding chip
we've found.

I  would say  that,  if you  have  a quite  new server  (by  new I  mean
something like à  P4 1600) you can use  for that and you find  a TV card
with a good tuner, this solution could be all right.

For the  other solution, we have  PVR 250 streaming on  P2 based servers
without any problem. A P1 could even be all right.

The resulting bitrate is slightly higher  for the PVR solution (MPEG2 vs

Our tests have  showed that 4-5 Mbit/s  are all right for  MPEG2, vs 2-3
for MPEG4.

$(echo "BigBen")

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