[streaming] Re: vlc streaming vs. vls streaming

"허성관" sgheo at naver.com
Wed May 7 03:12:06 CEST 2003


Then, how can I get the MPEG-1/2/4 files vls can do streaming without problems?
Is there some files the developer team used for vls streaming test?

What I want to do is to make a stable vls streaming test-bed and analyze the performance requirements for MPEG-1/2/4 streaming. For example, I try to calculate how many CPU clock, memory and network bandwidth is needed to stream MPEG-2 (HDTV) through RTP. These data will help people to design their embedded system supporting multimedia streaming.

If there is little files I can test, then I try it with vlc streaming.
Could you tell me or point some documents/pages what part is different between vls and vlc streaming? and how much resource is additionally consumed by vlc streaming (compared with vls)?

> As a matter of fact, there is indeed some redundancy between vls and vlc
> stream  output features.  vls  has been  the  first streaming  soltution
> available,  ans stillhas  support for  some features  vlc doesn't  have.
> Moreover, vls is still less resource consuming than vlc
> We took the decision to implement  vlc stream output since vlc input was
> far  more tolerant  to different  kinds of  files than  vls. It  was for
> instance the easiest solution to stream MPEG4 files. That certainly also
> explains the fact some MPEG 1/2 files can only be streamed using vlc.

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