[streaming] Re: video on demand

Steven stevenh at xsmail.com
Wed Aug 25 10:51:19 CEST 2004

Hi Ross,

Not sure yet if I can stop being flabbergasted :-) Some STBs don't 
support RTP. They only support native UDP.  That's why I asked for "open 
source MPEG-2/UDP/IP with RTSP support VoD software". From what I see on 
the live.com website, they use RTP, not native UDP.

- Steven

Ross Finlayson wrote:

> At 02:31 AM 8/24/04, you wrote:
>> I'm flabbergasted that there is no open source MPEG-2/UDP/IP with 
>> RTSP support VoD software.
> Well, you can stop being flabbergasted, because there *is* open source 
> RTSP/RTP software available that supports on-demand streaming of 
> MPEG-2 Transport Stream (or Program Stream) files (as well as several 
> other file types): The "LIVE.COM Streaming Media" software: 
> <http://www.live.com/liveMedia/>.  Note, in particular, the 
> "testOnDemandRTSPServer" demonstration application.
> BTW, this same software is used to implement VLC's RTSP/RTP client 
> support (although not yet its RTSP/RTP *server* support).
>         Ross.
> ps. There's also Apple's "Darwin Streaming Server", although this 
> requires that files be converted to 'hinted .mov' format prior to 
> streaming.

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