[streaming] Re: MPEG2 over RTP

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Tue Mar 2 22:31:07 CET 2004

>>Could you please tell me if videolan has implemented RFC 2250 (MPEG2 over 
>Yes we do. The name RTP is misleading, because it uses UDP as transport 
>Just read the RFC's on the subject.

Huh?  RFC 2250 specifies how MPEG (Elementary, Transport, or Program 
Streams) are streamed over *RTP*.  It turns out that RTP is usually 
(although not always) streamed using UDP.  But it's RTP nonetheless.  So 
there's nothing 'misleading' about it.

FYI, VLC can now play RTP streams (either by reading a SDP file, or from a 
RTSP server (using a "rtsp://") URL).  RFC 2250 (MPEG-1 or 2 over RTP) is 
supported.  However, VLC can currently play only MPEG/RTP *Elementary 
Streams* - not MPEG/RTP *Transport Streams*.  This limitation will, I hope, 
be fixed in future releases.

	Ross Finlayson

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