[streaming] Re: multicasting to non vlc

Jorge Boscán Etura red_aux01 at uft.edu.ve
Fri Mar 5 20:55:30 CET 2004

El vie, 05-03-2004 a las 14:13, Ross Finlayson escribió:
> At 07:43 AM 3/5/04, you wrote:
> >salut aux tous les streamers!!
> >
> >I would like to know howto stream a v4l output to wmp clients using
> >multicast over the internet, I need the precise command line (server)
> First, you can forget about using Windows Media Player as a client - it's 
> not standards-compliant.  Instead, use "vlc", "MPlayer", or "QuickTime Player".
> FYI, the "LIVE.COM Streaming Media" code contains several 'test programs' 
> that demonstrate how to stream MPEG video via multicast (using open 
> standard RTSP/RTP protocols).  If you're getting your input from  'video 
> for Linux', then you will need to interpose a video encoder (for converting 
> the raw video frames into MPEG).
> 	Ross Finlayson
> 	<http://www.live.com/>

the problem I see is that "client users" won't download & compile test
programs, they just want click'n open with wm, quicktime o whatever
mainstream player, that is what i need something easy for the users.

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