[streaming] Re: multicasting to non vlc

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Fri Mar 5 22:19:01 CET 2004

>the problem I see is that "client users" won't download & compile test
>programs, they just want click'n open with wm, quicktime o whatever
>mainstream player, that is what i need something easy for the users.

Well, QuickTime Player supports open standard streaming protocols 
(including multicast streams), so your clients can use that.  (It's even 
possible to embed QuickTime Player in a browser window.)

There's also VLC, which is available in pre-built binary form (so, users 
don't need to compile anything).

However, unless you want to lock yourself into a Microsoft-only solution, 
you can forget about using Windows Media Player, because that's not 
standards compliant.

(But, as others have noted, the biggest issue that you face is making sure 
that your clients are able to receive multicast packets from the sender.)

	Ross Finlayson

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