[streaming] Re: Dummies guide to streaming DVDs?

Torsten Spindler spindler at hbt.arch.ethz.ch
Mon Mar 8 08:39:37 CET 2004

On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 00:01, Jonathan Melhuish wrote:
> All I want to do is stream a DVD video over my network, from my 
> (headless) Linux server to a single Linux client.  I'd like to be able 
> to pause and skip the DVD from my client.  I don't see the need to 
> transcode it as I have a 100Mbps link between the two machines.

I'm currently trying to do the same. One way to do this is:

1) Place dvd in server
2) Start vlc on server with vlc -I dummy --extraintf http 
2.1) if you want to bind vlc to a specific host or port use --http-host host:port
3) Open your favorite webbrowser on the linux client
4) Load vlc http interface from browser with http://host:port  (will default to hostname:8080)
5) Add your dvd device to the playlist, like
5.1) don't use dvd menus, use the old dvd interface
6) Add streaming destination in the sout field. Udp streaming works fine for me:
   udp://<linux client>:1234
7) Open vlc on linux client, with vlc udp://@:1234

On the client the video should start playing immediately. If you experience delays and
stutter on the client side, probably try --sout-udp-caching on the server or --udp-caching
on the client. For pausing use the http interface of vlc on the server.

Probably there are easier solutions to this problem, but this seems to work.


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