[streaming] Re: Dummies guide to streaming DVDs?

Jonathan Melhuish lists at netacclaim.co.uk
Mon Mar 8 20:03:13 CET 2004

Torsten Spindler wrote:

>On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 00:01, Jonathan Melhuish wrote:
>>All I want to do is stream a DVD video over my network, from my 
>>(headless) Linux server to a single Linux client.  I'd like to be able 
>>to pause and skip the DVD from my client.  I don't see the need to 
>>transcode it as I have a 100Mbps link between the two machines.
>I'm currently trying to do the same. One way to do this is:
>1) Place dvd in server
>2) Start vlc on server with vlc -I dummy --extraintf http 
>2.1) if you want to bind vlc to a specific host or port use --http-host host:port
>3) Open your favorite webbrowser on the linux client
>4) Load vlc http interface from browser with http://host:port  (will default to hostname:8080)
>5) Add your dvd device to the playlist, like
>   dvdold:///dev/dvd@1,1
>5.1) don't use dvd menus, use the old dvd interface
>6) Add streaming destination in the sout field. Udp streaming works fine for me:
>   udp://<linux client>:1234
>7) Open vlc on linux client, with vlc udp://@:1234
>On the client the video should start playing immediately. If you experience delays and
>stutter on the client side, probably try --sout-udp-caching on the server or --udp-caching
>on the client. For pausing use the http interface of vlc on the server.
Thanks, I'll give that a go.  In point 7, is that correct that there is 
no "server" address to connect to?  Am I right in assuming that the 
server "pushes" the video stream out to the client?

It seems a little odd that you can't just use the vlc GUI to control the 
vlc server...



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