[streaming] Re: Dummies guide to streaming DVDs?

Jonathan Melhuish lists at netacclaim.co.uk
Tue Mar 9 22:12:35 CET 2004

Torsten Spindler wrote:

>On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 20:03, Jonathan Melhuish wrote:
>>Thanks, I'll give that a go.  In point 7, is that correct that there is 
>>no "server" address to connect to?  Am I right in assuming that the 
>>server "pushes" the video stream out to the client?
>Yes, in 6) you've told the vlc server where to send the stream to. For a
>different solution check
>http://www.videolan.org/doc/videolan-howto/en/vod.html. This should work
>in small environments quite well. What I'm using the description I sent
>for is using multicasts to save some bandwidth and connect many clients
>to few streams (at least in theory ;)
Yes, I saw that.  But can I use Apache to stream a DVD?  I tried setting 
up a virtual site with /dvd as the document root, but I ran into 
permissions problems and gave up.

>>It seems a little odd that you can't just use the vlc GUI to control the 
>>vlc server...
>I thought you were asking to do it remotely.
Yes, I am.  I meant it's odd that I can't use the vlc GUI on the client 
to control vlc on the server.



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