[streaming] Re: Dummies guide to streaming DVDs?

Jonathan Melhuish lists at netacclaim.co.uk
Wed Mar 10 19:47:43 CET 2004

Torsten Spindler wrote:

>On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 00:29, Jonathan Melhuish wrote:
>>Sorry!  I just installed it via APT so I got the "stable" version by 
>>default.  I've upgraded the package to the "testing" release, which 
>>gives me 0.3.1.  Still doesn't fix my problem, though...
>Probably you should try unstable. This gave two weeks ago a pretty
>recent one.
I'd rather keep my machine as close to "stable" as possible, as I would 
lilke to run a few internet-visible services on it shortly.  Upgrading 
to the "unstable" version of vlc means upgrading all sorts of packages. :-(

>>I assume that typing "iptables -F" should have taken my firewall out of 
>This really depends. You have to check your default policies with 
>iptables -L as well. If it reads "Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)" for
>INPUT, OUTPUT, FORWARD the paket filter firewall is disabled. To make sure
>nothing else interferes try "iptables -t nat -L" as well and see if all
>chains there are off.
Okay, they're all gone.  But still nothing... :-(



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