[streaming] Re: Windows NIC Selection for Streaming

Chhaya, Harshal hchhaya at ti.com
Tue Apr 5 17:21:12 CEST 2005

> I have an application it will show TV programs using
> TV card. Now i want to replace it by VLC client.
> So, i have to modify my application to communicate
> with VLC server to get MPEG2 streams over multicast IP
> and play the TV channels.
> How should i proceed to accomplish this.

If your TV card supports directshow, you could use vlc
to view the programs on the PC with the card. 

If you want to stream the TV streams to other PCs, you
can use vlc to stream the content over multicast UDP
and use vlc on the client PCs for playback. Note that
you can use vlc for both the client and server roles.

If I am missing some part about your setup, please send
more details on what exactly you are trying to do.

- Harshal

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