[streaming] Re: Windows NIC Selection for Streaming

Mahendran Pandurangan mahendran78 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 21:03:06 CEST 2005

No, you are not missing anything. You understood correctly.

About my existing system - It uses TV card to play TV channels
through DirectX API's.

Now i have to remove that TV card and it related code
from my application and PC. 

Use VLC source code in my application to access 
MPEG2 stream over multicast IP.  I don't want to 
write any server using VLC,  i want do only VLC client part 
and integrate with my application.

Thanks in advance.

Mahendran P.

On Apr 5, 2005 4:21 PM, Chhaya, Harshal <hchhaya at ti.com> wrote:
> > I have an application it will show TV programs using
> > TV card. Now i want to replace it by VLC client.
> > So, i have to modify my application to communicate
> > with VLC server to get MPEG2 streams over multicast IP
> > and play the TV channels.
> >
> > How should i proceed to accomplish this.
> If your TV card supports directshow, you could use vlc
> to view the programs on the PC with the card.
> If you want to stream the TV streams to other PCs, you
> can use vlc to stream the content over multicast UDP
> and use vlc on the client PCs for playback. Note that
> you can use vlc for both the client and server roles.
> If I am missing some part about your setup, please send
> more details on what exactly you are trying to do.
> Regards,
> - Harshal
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