[streaming] Re: streaming inside or outside?

Jean-Paul Saman jean-paul.saman at planet.nl
Fri Apr 8 09:03:23 CEST 2005

Moriarty, Mark F wrote:

>VLC works fine as the server.
>Yes, you can use UDP streaming, though how it will work depends on both
>your ISP and your client's ISP.  I mentioned mmsh because I think of it
>as the most generic  mode for use over the 'Net.
>For UDP,  unless both you and your client's ISPs are multicast enabled,
>including multicast TX at your end, you would need to use UDP in
>addressed mode -- the mode where the server has to fill in the
>destination computer's IP address. 
For UDP streaming multicast is not required. If I understood the 
question correctly he just wants to demo something to one customer. So 
only UDP unicast streaming is needed IMHO.

Jean-Paul Saman.

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