[streaming] Re: How to download example videos?

Marcel Ruff mr at marcelruff.info
Mon Apr 11 10:27:32 CEST 2005

list at scttransport.dk wrote:
> Hi Marcel
> The vlc developer are currently working on implementing a sort of media
> library for vlc, as you know it from winamp and other players.
> It will present you a list og public streams u can try out, to test vlc.
> There isn't any clear "ready" date" but I am hoping it will be ready for the
> first tests within a week or 2.
> Look forward to it :)

Is it for the time being possible to give download access
to everybody on the mentioned ftp server?

> Best regards
> Jonas Larsen
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: streaming-bounce at videolan.org [mailto:streaming-bounce at videolan.org]
>>On Behalf Of Marcel Ruff
>>Sent: 10. april 2005 13:28
>>To: streaming at videolan.org
>>Subject: [streaming] How to download example videos?
>>i have just visited
>>  ftp://streams.videolan.org/streams-videolan/unsorted
>>but can't download those examples for playing,
>>the files have limited access, for example:
>>  -rw-------    1 ftp      ftp      13926400 Jan 20 22:22 vdr-raw-ps.mpg
>>is there any other place to get a range of different
>>Thank you
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