[streaming] Re: VideoLAN and DVB-C ?

Benjamin Pracht bigben+spam at videolan.org
Sat Apr 23 15:50:49 CEST 2005

On Sat, Apr 23, 2005, Neil Miles wrote :
> Hi,
> I was hoping to stream the local cable TV channels with vlc preferably 
> transcoding from mpeg2 to mpeg4. But unfortunately I see after looking 
> closely that only DVB-S/T are supported.
> I could of course use DVB-S as the same channels are available on 
> Satellite, but is there any particular reason why dvb-c is not supported 
> (technical?). Is there any other solution out there? I looked at 
> linuxtv.org but seems to be focused mainly on STB/PVR type stuff.

well, AFAIK, DVB/C is supported by the dvb input... It might be quite
untested though... (try the dvb-c://... shortcut, although the card type
should be autodetected only using dvb://...)


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