[streaming] Re: VideoLAN and DVB-C ?

Danislav Kostov dani at ardex.bg
Mon Apr 25 23:44:06 CEST 2005

Yes. VLC can be used in a pure demo system.
So lets all together work and make it "a Telecom grade platform".
For the corporate projects I intend to work with Anevia but I would 
appreciate if you exchange experience after the tests.

... for the patents: absolute insanity and almost illegal... this is 
inadmissible. And must be stopped !!!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Neil Miles"
> You make completely valid points and certainly the company I work for does 
> put money back into certain open source projects, even if it is not always 
> with pure cash.
> What I am involved with is just to see if VideoLAN can be used in a pure 
> demo system. As I am sure you are well aware, that however good VideoLAN 
> is(and I am very impressed after streaming DVD's between some linux 
> boxes), for a Telecom grade platform much more things need to be 
> considered in putting together such a solution.
> Of almost greater concern however, is the ongoing patent discussion in the 
> EU.
> Cheers
> /Neil 

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