[streaming] Re: RTCP Server Implementation using live.com

Gildas Bazin gbazin at altern.org
Thu Apr 28 17:16:01 CEST 2005

On Thursday 28 April 2005 15:31, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> >Acording to gildas bazin the reason why vlc do
> >not use the live.com implementation of rtsp for serverside is that it 
> >require vlc to rewrite a significant part of all of the live.com code
> That seems very unlikely.

The problem here is that there is no point for us to use live.com without 
our streaming output architecture (packetizing, transcoding, filtering, 
muxing, etc...). That would basically be equivalent to just using VLC as a 
GUI/interface, in which case it would be better to use the live.com tools 
I don't know live.com's code well but after a first look at it I reached the 
conclusion that if we want to interface live.com with our streaming 
architecture we would have to re-implement a substantial part of the 
classes it provides. It would likely be easier to just implement the RTCP 
support we are missing.


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