[streaming] Re: RTCP Server Implementation using live.com

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Thu Apr 28 20:37:15 CEST 2005

>The problem here is that there is no point for us to use live.com without
>our streaming output architecture (packetizing, transcoding, filtering,
>muxing, etc...). That would basically be equivalent to just using VLC as a

That's not necessarily a bad idea.  It seems to me that VLC's forte is its 
codec, rendering and GUI.  If much (if not all) of its low-level streaming 
functionality could instead be provided by other open source code that *it 
already links with* (to play RTSP streams), then that would make the 
VLC-specific code simpler and (ultimately) more reliable.

Let me try to make things easier by asking: Does VLC currently have any 
significant network streaming functionality that is *not* currently 
available in the LIVE.COM libraries?  If so, let me know, and I'll look 
into adding this to the LIVE.COM code - so we can move towards migrating 
VLC to use this for more of its streaming functionality.

	Ross Finlayson

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