[streaming] Re: create 3gp compliant content with vlc

Geoffroy Gawin geoffroy.gawin at tiveo.fr
Fri Apr 29 09:25:44 CEST 2005

3gp or mp4 are fine with VLC. On mobile device, only http and UDP protocols 
work (livedotcom not implemented, so, no RTSP). If you are using a phone 
with GPRS, make sure the bitrate of your file is lower than 20 kb/s. to 
achieve this, you can for instance use ffmpeg -i inputfile.any -r 5 -b 10 -s 
sqcif -an out.3gp
this will mute your file. To have sound, you will need to recompile ffmpeg 
./configure --enable-amr_nb

hope it will help

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Torben Knerr" <ukio at gmx.de>
To: <streaming at videolan.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 9:02 PM
Subject: [streaming] create 3gp compliant content with vlc

> is it possible to create 3gp compliant mp4 or 3gp files?
> has anyone managed to get a vlc-encoded video file
> work on a phone??
> i have a nokia 6630, but it doesn't work for me,
> neither with mp4 nor with h263...
> regards,
> torben
> -- 
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