[streaming] Re: create 3gp compliant content with vlc

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Fri Apr 29 21:04:53 CEST 2005

At 12:25 AM 4/29/05, you wrote:
>3gp or mp4 are fine with VLC. On mobile device, only http and UDP 
>protocols work (livedotcom not implemented, so, no RTSP).

Which OS platform(s) is/are the "mobile device"  that you're referring 
to?  The "LIVE.COM Streaming Media" code can probably be ported to it, if 
it hasn't already.

The LIVE.COM RTSP/RTP client code - if ported - will be able to handle all 
RTP payload formats that you're likely to see in '3gp' streams, including: 
MPEG-4 video, H.263 video, H.264 video, MPEG-4 AAC audio ("MPEG4-GENERIC" 
or "MP4A-LATM"), AMR audio.  Just as long as your VLC has decoders for each 
of these...

	Ross Finlayson

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