[streaming] VLC, Debian testing and PVR350

psaade.vlc psaade.vlc at free.fr
Sun Sep 18 13:03:59 CEST 2005

Hi everybody,

sorry to bother with an unprecise question but i would like to have some 
help, if possible.

I have a computer with a WinTV PVR 350 card.
I installed Debian testing on it and latest ivtv driver. All went fine.

I apt-get installed vlc.

If i do a :
$ cat /dev/video0 > test.mpg

vlc can play the file.

But a
$ cat /dev/video0 | vlc

That's ok

More problematic is that if i want to use the "stream assistant", with 
the PVR tab and default settings, i get a segfault. Changing some 
options didn't improve vlc's behavior...

Do you have any hint ??

Thank's a lot !!

Ph. Saadé

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