[streaming] Errors while compiling source of VLC

Ritesh Phalak techie.ritesh at gmail.com
Sun Sep 18 20:11:58 CEST 2005

First of all sorry for asking such a preliminary question, but actually i am 
not an expert in VC++ or in linux too.
I was trying to compile VLC source code thats - LIBVLC.C file while doing 
that I included all files in Include folder but there is still a lot of 
errors i think those r because of externel referances. 
one of them is -

vlc_es.h(40) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'uint8_t'

This error i couldnt remove please help me, what should i do in order to 
compile vlc source without any error.

Thanking u,
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