[streaming] VLS DVB Streaming

Paul Rae PRae at aminocom.com
Wed Sep 21 14:09:48 CEST 2005

Hi All,

I'm setting up a server to stream out a number of channels from DVB-T cards. I have the cards installed and working and all is ready on that side.

I now need to configure VLS to stream the channels. Now from reading i believe i have to setup a .dvbrc file listing the channels.

Can someone tell me how i create this file / what the syntax is as I'm not clear on this.

I thought i could rename my channels.conf which was created from tzap however vls doesnt seem to like that.

Currently my .dvbrc has entries similar to this:


When i run vls i get:

dvbstreamer:~# vls -vv -d udp: dvb:"BBC ONE" --ttl 5
VideoLAN Server 0.5.4+cvs20031028 (Sep 27 2004) - (c) 1999-2003 VideoLAN
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "channel:file" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "channel:network" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "mpegreader:file" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "mpegconverter:ts2ts" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "mpegconverter:ps2ts" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "input:local" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "input:video" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "interface:dummy" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "interface:telnet" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "interface:native" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "trickplay:normal" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "input:tcp" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "mpegreader:tcp" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Browsing modules in directory "./src/modules"
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [WARN/Vls]  Unable to browse directory "./src/modules" : Error: Could not open directory './src/modules': No such file or directory
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Browsing modules in directory "./modules"
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [WARN/Vls]  Unable to browse directory "./modules" : Error: Could not open directory './modules': No such file or directory
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Browsing modules in directory "/usr/lib/vls"
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "mpegreader:dvb" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "input:dvb" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "mpegreader:dvd" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Module "mpegreader:pvr" registered
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Channel 'output1' created
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/Vls]  Starting input 'input1'
2005-09-21 14:09:54 [INFO/input1]  DVB-T Card registered without decoder

Using default /root/.dvbrc

Error: BBC is not a valid keyword at


Paul Rae,                    |  Tel:    +44 (0)1954 234100
Customer Support Team Leader |  Fax:    +44 (0)1954 234101
Amino Communications Ltd,    |  
Buckingway Business Park,    |  
8A Anderson Road, Swavesey,  |  prae at aminocom.com
Cambridge, U.K. CB4 5UQ      |  http://www.aminocom.com/

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