[streaming] Re: Bug when a RSTP streaming is dirty closed ?

CACHET Nicolas Nicolas.CACHET at rfo.fr
Thu Mar 2 19:24:05 CET 2006

> My main concerns would rather be:
> - the usability/reliability problems associated with tearing down a 
> network stream automatically in case of would-be -transient- ICMP 
> errors. At least ICMP errors should not happen with multicast, which 
> eliminates the risk for most live UDP streaming use case. Perhaps 
> someone with a more comprehensive experience in this area (Meuuh, 
> TheDJ, Md... ?) could share his insight.

You're certainly right about Multicast, but what happens in case of VOD ?

> - that none of the mutiplexers and streaming plugins check for output 
> errors... so even if we caused the UDP plugin to stop 
> emitting packets, 
> the server would continue to stream internally instead of releasing 
> resources and printing an error message on the control 
> session if it is 
> still open.

Ouille ! Bad news !

> In any case, implementing RTCP is the right answer. But it's 
> most likely 
> not going to happen so long as we have no developer to do that.

Not necessary, if the client disappears, the VLC server with RTCP support 
should handle the event by closing the RTP flows, 
like it should do without RTCP.

Ps: thanks for yours anwers.
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