[streaming] Re: [Fwd: Re: VoD with authentication]

Rémi Denis-Courmont rem at videolan.org
Thu Mar 9 16:11:28 CET 2006

Le Jeudi 9 Mars 2006 16:10, Jean-Paul Saman a écrit :
> Son, it looks a lot more readible although it violates the VLC coding
> style here an there. I do miss the file md5.c and the sources for
> MDPassword.exe. Could you send a patch for these too, please.

IMHO, it might be better to have something separate and more reusable 
for user/password matching, a bit like ACL currently, than piles of 
additionnal code in the httpd core.

We already have a -way too- basic authentication scheme in the httpd 
core, though it only supports Basic HTTP authentication, and a single 
(login, password) tuple, that one might want to merge this with.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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