[streaming] Re: Reliable streaming format for wireless links

Jean-Paul Saman jean-paul.saman at planet.nl
Mon Mar 13 16:51:55 CET 2006

Niall Donegan wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Romuald CARI wrote:
>>UDP + Wireless create creepy things.
Not true by definition. UDP + Wireless works well for unicast, it is 
only multicast that is a problem for most WLAN AP.

> That I discovered!
> <snip>
>>You could try to reduce the stream bandwidth and create unicast TCP
>>connections to your clients using HTTP, good luck !
> The main problem I see with that is that if I have a few clients at the
> other end of the wireless link as is going to happen, then I run into
> congestion which I was trying to avoid with multicast.
> Is there any more resiliant codecs than MPEG2 that I can transcode to
> which will handle the missing packets more gracefully?

The problem is here that WLAN is not designed for multicast video. It is 
hard to find a good WLAN AP that handles UDP and multicast well.

The other option is using unicast over the WLAN link and lower the 
bitrate to a value that is appropriate for the quality of the signal. If 
the client and the AP are far apart, then you must use a lower bitrate 

What you want is a transport layer that is more resilient or a network 
setup that can deal with the transport protocol to use.

Jean-Paul Saman.

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