[streaming] Re: Reliable streaming format for wireless links

Romuald CARI Romuald.CARI at eleve.emn.fr
Mon Mar 13 16:49:10 CET 2006

Niall Donegan a écrit :

>Hash: SHA1
>Romuald CARI wrote:
>>UDP + Wireless create creepy things.
>That I discovered!
>>You could try to reduce the stream bandwidth and create unicast TCP
>>connections to your clients using HTTP, good luck !
>The main problem I see with that is that if I have a few clients at the
>other end of the wireless link as is going to happen, then I run into
>congestion which I was trying to avoid with multicast.
>Is there any more resiliant codecs than MPEG2 that I can transcode to
>which will handle the missing packets more gracefully?
>- --
>Niall Donegan
>Public-Key: http://moybella.net/~niall/public.gpg
>Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
>Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
A solution to your problem could be to put computers running VLC servers 
on each side of your wireless bridge, if none of your clients are 
actually getting the stream over the wireless bridge (with wireless 
On one side, the server would capture the stream from your PVR and 
stream it using HTTP (so TCP) to the computer on the other side of the 
bridge, which would then broadcast / multicast it over your wired 
network. With enough buffering, you might not encounter any problem.

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