[streaming] Streaming-transcoding help

GHattar at worldspace.com GHattar at worldspace.com
Mon Mar 13 17:16:54 CET 2006

Dear Sir,

I am streaming the worldspace music using UDP multicasting as input to the
VideoLan server to broadcast on the internet who can listen to the music
using windows media player.

For low bandwidth internet users i want to transcode it to 16kbps but when
i check the url  in windows media player it only buffers the media  and
repeat the buffering again when it finishes once.

Hence, couldn't able to play music.

Please see my script below and advice me if something is wrong in it.

new channel1 broadcast enabled
setup channel1 input "udp://@"
setup channel1 output

control channel1 play

Kind Regards,
Gagan Jit Singh

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