[streaming] amr ffmpeg enabled and vlc still NOT working

Petko Popadiyski badpit at gmail.com
Mon Mar 27 00:23:28 CEST 2006


I am struggling for 1 week till now to enable the vlc encoding with
amr and I find the process still like pain in the --please stay
I have read hundreds of post in the forums how i should enable it, but
after doing and testing almost everything, i still cant!

i have ffmpeg (cvs version from today) compiled with --enable-shared
--enable-mp3lame --enable-gpl --enable-faad --mandir=/share/man
--enable-vorbis --enable-pthreads --enable-faac --enable-xvid
--enable-dts --enable-amr_nb --enable-amr_wb --enable-pp
--enable-libogg --enable-a52 --enable-theora --enable-libgsm
--enable-x264 --enable-a52bin

after that i exported PKG_CONFIG_PATH to /root/src/ffmpeg/ and
compiled the vlc (cvs from today too) with
--enable-v4l --with-ffmpeg-amr_nb --disable-mad --disable-wxwidgets
--disable-skins2 --with-ffmpeg-tree=/root/src/ffmpeg

i am not sure about the --with-ffmpeg-amr_nb option, but i have seen
it in one post in the forum and i included it. it never hurts Wink

i am starting the program with the long
./vlc --color v4l:/dev/video0:norm=pal:frequency=175250:channel=0:adev=/dev/dsp:audio=0
--sout '#transcode{vcodec=H263,vb=32,width=128,height=96,acodec=samr}:rtp{dst=,port-video=22000,
ttl=127, sdp="file:///usr/local/movies/hhh.sdp"}' -vvvv

and I get the disappointing

[00000289] ffmpeg encoder debug: found encoder H263
[00000289] main encoder debug: using encoder module "ffmpeg"
[00000289] main encoder debug: removing module "ffmpeg"
[00000254] stream_out_transcode private debug: creating audio
transcoding from fcc=`s16l' to fcc=`samr'
[00000303] main decoder debug: looking for decoder module: 19 candidates
[00000303] araw decoder debug: samplerate:44100Hz channels:2 bits/sample:16
[00000303] main decoder debug: using decoder module "araw"
[00000304] main encoder debug: looking for encoder module: 5 candidates
[00000304] ffmpeg encoder debug: libavcodec already initialized
[00000304] ffmpeg encoder error: cannot open encoder
[00000254] stream_out_transcode private error: cannot find encoder
[00000303] main decoder debug: removing module "araw"
[00000254] stream_out_transcode private error: cannot create audio chain
[00000270] main packetizer error: cannot create packetizer output (s16l)

and the output sdp is without audio Sad

debilian:~# cat /usr/local/movies/hhh.sdp
o=- 1143398713930775 1 IN IP4
t=0 0
a=tool:vlc 0.8.5-test1
c=IN IP4
m=video 22000 RTP/AVP 96
a=rtpmap:96 H263-1998/90000

i have checked that the ld is using the right libavcodec libs from my
newly compiled ffmpeg (ldconfig -p)

i see that H263 codec is working and it is transcoded by the ffmpeg.
in the ffmpeg -formats it is written that the amr_nb is supported
(decode, encode) by it.
So how to make vlc use properly ffmpeg for amr transcoding?
Where can I find what codecs are supported by the vlc using ffmpeg ?
And how can I change the H263-1998 version to plain h263?

Wow, this post came longer than expected

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