[streaming] problems to compile with cygwin:

Yan Lu yan.lu at innovonics.net
Mon Mar 27 08:14:27 CEST 2006



I followed the instructions stated in INSTALL.win32 to build vlc using
source tar ball vlc-0.8.4a.tar.gz, and I also install all required libraries
from contrib-20051208-win32-bin-gcc3.3.1-only.tar.tar. Then I have got

checking for mad_bit_init in -lmad... no

configure: error: Cannot find libmad library...


If I set option in configure, such as: 

./configure -disable-mad

Then I got error:

checking for ffmpeg/avcodec.h... no

configure: error: Missing header file ffmpeg/avcodec.h.


Attached config.log in this email. Please give some help.  Thanks in






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