[streaming] Re: VLC with GPRS

Juliano Pillati jp_esperanto at yahoo.com.br
Thu Mar 30 14:12:16 CEST 2006

Athlon2x wrote:

> Hello,
> I never tried, but I think it's "possible". Perhaps, you have to take 
> in consideration that your phone operator filters some ports to avoid 
> p2p etc etc and maybe by content. So try with the port 80 in http mode 
> with a very low bitrate and very low resolution. Maybe just audio to 
> start.
> Regards,
> Antoine.
> On 3/28/06, *jorge* <jorgej at tid.es <mailto:jorgej at tid.es>> wrote:
>     Hello. I have intented stream a video with a GPRS card in the
>     client, but the video doesn't reproduce correctly in the client.
>     Is GPRS an appropriate technology for stream videos with VLC, or
>     stream with VLC only can work with high bandwith technology?  Thanks.
But  when you will be doing streaming over GPRS or EDGE you will be 
using upload of bandwith. And upload of GPRS is only 2KB-4KB and EDGE is 
4KB-6KB right ?  Is possible do something streaming with this  few 
bandwith ?


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