[streaming] DRM with vlc?

Rémi Denis-Courmont rem at videolan.org
Sat Sep 1 13:20:01 CEST 2007

Le samedi 1 septembre 2007, SmartScreens - The World is online. a 
écrit :
> We are trying to put togehter a payTV / VOD system for hotels with
> videolan (vlc media player).
> Has anyone every done this?

> What kind of DRM (digital rights management) does vlc offer?

There is support for access control (who can receive the video) through 
different mechanisms: at least ACLs, login/passwords and/or a PKI.

We do not have much usage control (what can be done with the video) at 
the moment, though it is possible to strip parts of the player that 
allow recording or re-streaming.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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