[streaming] wmv on mms problem

ale_ame at libero.it ale_ame at libero.it
Wed Sep 19 17:24:30 CEST 2007

Please, no one occurred in compatibility problem between Adobe Premiere and vlc/mms?

> Hi,
> I've a problem trying to stream some wmv file on mms.
> I create new bradcast like this:
>  - new bc20729 broadcast enabled input "/pathToFile/file.wmv" output #standard{access=mmsh,mux=asfh,dst=address:port}
> and a new schedule like this:
>  - new ts20729 schedule enabled date 'aaaa/mm/dd-hh:mm:ss' append control bc20729 play
> and i often can connect win media player to this by using the following url:
>  - mms://address:port
> However, sometime, WMP can't connect to it, if i create the wmv video with Adobe Premiere. WMP try to start buffering but never can play the file.
> Anyone know something about this problem?
> Thankyou very much
> Amex

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