[streaming] Multiple instances of VLC on a single machine

Xiaolin Cheng xiaolin.cheng at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 01:00:06 CEST 2007

Hello all,

I am testing the impact of buffering on video quality. I want to receive the same stream from the server with different udp-caching settings, and store them into different files into the disk.

However when I did the following on the client machine (linux), it seemed only the first file was stored. All other files are empty. Do you guys have any idea to fix it? Thank...

vlc udp:@:5000 --udp-caching 0 --sout"#std{access=file, dst=1.m4v, mux=ts}" --intf dummy &
vlc udp:@:5001 --udp-caching 0 --sout"#std{access=file, dst=1.m4v, mux=ts}" --intf dummy &
vlc udp:@:5002 --udp-caching 0 --sout"#std{access=file, dst=1.m4v, mux=ts}" --intf dummy &

Thank you all...
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