[streaming] miniSAP

Rémi Denis-Courmont rdenis at simphalempin.com
Sun Jun 29 11:02:10 CEST 2008

Le samedi 28 juin 2008 20:34:33 Marshall Eubanks, vous avez écrit :
> We have been having a lot of problems recently with this program
> blasting out SAP messages (up to 300 Mbps !), which cause multicast
> problems. 

Yeah, so basically... minisap does not implement any bandiwdth measurement at 
the moment. Congestion control is as brain-dead as sending a packet every 
total delay divided by total number of _local_ announces.

> Is there any possibility that this program could be changed to rate
> limit it to < 1 Mbps or some other reasonable level ?

minisap should measure the incoming SAP traffic, much like the VLC built-in 
SAP sender does. However the official SAP RFC limit (4kbps) sounds very low.

That being noted, the default delay is 5 seconds, so that users wait no more 
than 5 seconds to get the full channels lists. If there are so many announces 
that you currently receive 300 Mbps of them on a single multicast group, it 
would mean there are the order of a million different announces. This seems 
unlikely high. I would suppose there is some buggy sender somewhere that 
sends way too fast, such as an out-of-date version (< 0.3.4) of miniSAP.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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