[Translators] vlc for android update approaching

Sidney Doria ssdoria at gmail.com
Mon Mar 10 01:30:04 CET 2014


the translation was verified and seems ok.

However I've noted some strings aren't there yet.For instance, some
words like ALBUMS and SONGS (only when you choose a group with
subgrous, like artists or Genre) and the Genres of music files (e.g.,
folklore, heavy metal).

2014-03-08 17:17 GMT-03:00 Christoph Miebach <christoph.miebach at web.de>:
> Hello!
>  On 05 Mar 2014, at 00:45, Sidney Doria <ssdoria at gmail.com> wrote:
>> How can i test a nightly build on Android devices? Which steps may i follow?
> After sorting out some minor issues, we have some nightly builds available again, now.
> The newest nightly builds for android are available here:
> http://nightlies.videolan.org/
> check the date for versions later than today (20140308).
> There are different versions for armv6 (with or without fpu), armv7 and x86.
> The default setting after installing the app is "use the general locale". You can test different locales by
> menu->Preferences->Advanced debugging->Set locale
> by entering the language code (to name some: en, de, fr, ms, zh-rCN, pt-rBR) and restarting.
> If you entered a valid language and the translation exists, vlc will use this language. So, you might want to remember the order of the buttons you click BEFORE using a locale you don't speak.
> I always count from the bottom upwards:
> Preferences (2)
> Advanced debugging (1)
> Set locale (3)
> Quit and restart (2, right below "Set locale").
> Best regards and happy testing.
> Thanks for your work
> Christoph
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Sidney Doria

"Não é importante a rapidez com que se aprende, mas sim que se aprenda."
(Mestre dos Magos no episódio A Névoa da Escuridão)

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