libdvdcss api inconsistency

Samuel Hocevar sam at
Thu Jul 5 13:25:56 CEST 2001

On Thu, Jul 05, 2001, Gildas Bazin wrote:

> I would just like to point out an inconsistency in the libdvdcss
> api. On it's written that
> dvdcss_read() returns the number of bytes read, but the actual code
> returns the number of blocks read (which is more logical anyway).

   Thanks for pointing this. I'll fix the documentation.

> Another thing: if dvdcss_read() cannot read as many blocks as asked,
> it will return the number of blocks actually read, but will not
> decrypt them. Is it really wanted ? I mean, if you read the last
> sectors of a dvd, you still want them to be decoded ??

   If dvdcss_read() cannot read as many blocks as asked, it is an error,
and you shouldn't rely on its output. But since it can be easily fixed,
I think decrypting bytes can't do any harm. I'll fix this as well.


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