playing encrypted dvd and playing dvd without region set

MichaelM lordvader at
Wed Jul 11 19:15:37 CEST 2001

Raphael Zulliger wrote:

>today i've found a homepage 
>where tools can be downloaded to play encrypted dvd and play dvds
>without having set a region code to the dvd drive.
>i rember there was something about that in this mailinglist some weeks
>ago, but i can't exactly remeber about the result of the topic.
>my question: why don't you patch videolan so this additional package
>would be useless? are there some disadvantages if you do that?
>thanks, raphael
I beleive the libdvdcss in the current CVS does that.
My query is, can it also be used to play encrypted DVD's from any region 
on a zoned DVD player? I have the libraries installed, but I'm not yet 
willing to fork out some money for a zone 1 disk if it won't work on my 
player (i'm zone 4).

Otherwise, can the regionset utility be used to 'unzone' a player?

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