[ANN] vlc 0.2.81

Gildas Bazin gbazin at netcourrier.com
Mon Jul 30 21:10:20 CEST 2001

On Saturday 28 July 2001 12:27 pm, Gildas Bazin wrote:
> It seems like most libdvdcss problems have been solved now, but not all of 
> them.
> I can now play dvds under Linux without any problems except segfaults 
> sometimes when I switch between titles. Under Win9x/Win2k the problem is a 
> little bit worse because I still have this old libdvdcss bug appearing 
> sound and video freeze) and also segfaults... All this doesn't happen if I 
> play a non-encrypted DVD.
> I should have some time tomorrow to investigate this.

Ok, I fixed the Win9x/Win2k bug and it seems the segfaults under linux are 
not libdvdcss related (but there aren't easy to trace because they are not 
reproducable when running with ddd).

So it looks like libdvdcss is stable now.


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