[ANN] vlc 0.2.81

Gildas Bazin gbazin at netcourrier.com
Sat Jul 28 13:27:55 CEST 2001

On Saturday 28 July 2001 4:20 am, Samuel Hocevar wrote:
> Here, at last, comes version 0.2.81 of
> vlc, with an astounding amount of bug fixes.

Really nice work Sam. I really wonder if you ever sleep ;-)

It seems like most libdvdcss problems have been solved now, but not all of 
I can now play dvds under Linux without any problems except segfaults 
sometimes when I switch between titles. Under Win9x/Win2k the problem is a 
little bit worse because I still have this old libdvdcss bug appearing (crap 
sound and video freeze) and also segfaults... All this doesn't happen if I 
play a non-encrypted DVD.
I should have some time tomorrow to investigate this.

PS: I'm uploading the win32 binary package right now on the ftp site.


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