Mac OS X ...

Florian G. Pflug fgp at
Tue Oct 2 08:13:14 CEST 2001

On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 07:10:18PM -0400, Eugenio Jarosiewicz wrote:
> > If you search the IORegistryExplorer, you find some indices that there is
> > some kernel-support for this addon-board in 10.1 (e.g. there is a key/value
> > pair "IODVDBundleName => ATIRage128DVDDriver)
> So I finally got back to another machine to check, and this registry
> entry exists on a G4 Cube w/ DVD which doesn't have the decoder card.
> I think that the ATIRage128DVDDriver is just support for DVD
> acceleration on Rage128 cards (the next key in the registry is an
> IOMatchCategory with a String value of IOAccelerator).

Well, if this is the key to using hardware-idct or motion-compensation (both
are supported by quite at lot of modern graphic cards as far as I know),
this sounds promising

> > I guess this could be the kernel-support for the DVD-Framework
> > I wonder if one could use this support easily - since most people owning a
> > g3 with dvd-drive will likley also have this addon-board.
> Right, it is kernel-support for the DVD-framekwork, but not
> specifically for ppl with the dvd decoder card, which is even better.
> I think it's certainly possible, but not sure how difficult it will
> be.

Sadly, there seem to be no header files for the DVD.framework - at least I
don't have them altough I installed the new Developer Tools.

greetings, Florian Pflug

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