[vlc-devel] Re: CVS Commit (babal)

Gildas Bazin gbazin at netcourrier.com
Sun Dec 15 15:35:46 CET 2002

On Sunday 15 December 2002 15:02, Boris Dorès wrote:
>   All right. So what about:
> - saving the playlist as a m3u file (even if we cannot determine the
>   content length from the playlist code) to work on a standard file
>   format,
> - moving as much as possible of the m3u.c file into src/playlist.c to
>   avoid code duplication (I know it doesn't perfectly fit with the
>   module philosophy, but I believe it's worse to try to use a specific
>   module from the core: any suggestion welcome),
> - and using this(these) new function(s) from m3u.c to read the input and
>   from playlist.c to read a file to be able to adapt the behaviour to
>   each case ?
>   If it's ok with you, I'll do that tonight.

Well, it would be ideal if the m3u.c code only managed the m3u file format. 
But the fact is that the code there is kind of a generic parser that 
handles asx and html files as well.
That means you'll have to move this code as well, which may or may not be a 
good idea (mainly because it will make the vlc core a little bit bigger).

On the other hand, we could also allow saving playlists in different 
formats. In which case it would be completely valid to move all the code 
into the playlist manager.

I don't really know... up to you.

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