menu support feedback

Xavier MAILLARD zedek at
Mon Jul 29 19:33:17 CEST 2002

Stéphane Borel <stef at> disait récemment que :

> On Sat, Jul 27, 2002 at 11:24:20AM +0200, Xavier MAILLARD wrote:
>> As I don't know if it is known, it seems that launching vlc with sound
>> activated always lead to a segfault when dvd menu support is enabled.
> Strange, I haven't experienced this problem. Could you tell us which
> output you're trying to use ? Does it happen with different DVDs or only
> one of them ?

This was/is happening with all my DVDs but also with other source format
such as AVi and others... So this doesn't mean this is due to a dvdplay
error as far as I have investigated :) What I am sure is that whatever
the output used and whatever the input method I used is leading to a
segfault :( I'll try to check that with my debugger :)

>> There are other weird things when displaying menu such as palette
>> installation problem, sound reactivation when playing main track
>> segfaults too.
> The palette issue is due to spudec which is activated by default in
> menus. I haven't found out the exact source of the problem though (maybe
> empty palette in menus?). I'll be investigating this.
>> Although I think we are on the right way :)
> There is much left to do yet ...

Are you pessismistic ? :)

>> When launching like this : vlc dvd: always lead to a segfault. I will
>> try to see why it segfaults later.
> Have you tried erasing your preference file ?

No but I will. But this seems not to be a dvd input error but more an
audio problem or even more maybe a spudec or maybe an xvideo problem
because I always encounter spudec error and my vlc session is always
segfaulting just after a xmovewindow (even if I do NOT move windows :)

>> Cheers,
> Thanks for the help,

That's our job :)


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