[vlc-devel] Re: error compiling 0.4.6

Jean-Paul Saman saman at natlab.research.philips.com
Thu Nov 21 15:03:22 CET 2002

Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
> I have attached the configure output as 'conf.msgs', 'make show' output as
> makeshow.msgs and Makefile.opts as itself :)
> Thanks,
> ~Mayuresh

Are you building native or do you mean to cross-compile?

In Makefile.opts I find this line (you probably edited it by hand):
 > qte_LDFLAGS =  -L$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) -lqte-mt
which should be
  qte_LDFLAGS =  -L/root/work/handson/os/qt-2.3.2 -lqpe -lqte

See your configuration option:

The configuration option assumes qt-embedded is installed on your native 
system. Or should point to the installed version in the cross-compile 

The configure script did not detect the --enable-qte setting correctly. 
I add here a patch for configure and configure.in scripts. Goto your vlc 
directory and type:

patch -p1 < diff_for_Mayuresh_Kathe.patch

It is a diff against the current v0_4_1_branch for vlc from CVS. You can 
check that out with:

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at anoncvs.videolan.org:/var/cvs/videolan -z3 
checkout -r v0_4_1_branch -P vlc

Then compile again.

Kind greetings,

Jean-Paul Saman

Software Architect

e-mail (work): saman at natlab.research.philips.com
phone  (work): 040 27 42909
Ordina TA,
Science Park Eindhoven 5602, Postbus 293, 5600 AG Eindhoven
e-mail : jean-paul.saman at ordina.nl
phone  : 040 2601200
fax    : 040 2601199
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