playlist handling

Eric Petit titer at
Tue Sep 17 14:30:27 CEST 2002

On Tue, Sep 17, 2002, Tony Castley wrote:
> >Alright, then I won't bother improving on the BeOS playlist anymore 
> >until I switch to the 0.5.0 tree. Which reminds me... how close is that 
> >tree to being considered "ready for public"? When I work on the BeOS 
> >interface, I want to concentrate on just that. Is 0.5.0 evolved enough 
> >to give me no headache during development?
> >
> Ok I have been trying to get the tree working under BeOS.  I got the 
> automake etc from the BeBits app VIM6.1.  Now it bootstraps ok.  I had 
> to remove and dlfnc.h other wise the detection and usage got 
> confused as per my previous message.  If I then configure and make and 
> it does not compile the ffmpeg.h file, so I removed the ffmpeg from my 
> confugre options.  Then I got the error that beos_specific.c did not 
> exist for beos_specific.o to be built.  Odd as it has always been a 
> *.cpp file.  So I renamed that they I get the warning that it is 
> overriding the build options for beos_specific but everything compiles. 
> Cool I think I finally got back to where I could work on the aout, but 
> no!!  The executable outputs the startup version line then segfaults 
> with no stack trace.
> I am totally out of my depth.  I cannot get this to work in the time I 
> have to spend on it.  Concider this a cry for help!

I tried it a few weeks ago and had the same problem, it was a
problem with the interface messages. It looks like a mutex fails
in system_Init() but, if you look at libvlc.c, msg_Create() (that
initializes the message queue) is called AFTER system_Init(), so the
warning message makes the vlc crash.

Just cut the msg_Create() and paste it before system_Init() and it
should work (it did for me). Would be fine to find a multi-platform way
to handle this well.

BeOS Debugger rulez,


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