[vlc-devel] Re: about minisap Server

MaFai zh-ma at hkbn.com.hk
Tue Apr 29 10:41:58 CEST 2003

Hello, Gildas Bazin,

	I have found the mistaken in makefile.When I type makefile,the shellscript 
run gcc sapserver.cpp -o sapserver.Then the error information will be shown.
Like as following line:

"new" unsigned .....
"delete" unsigned .....

I change the gcc instead of g++.Then it compile successfully.

But I still found a problem.Let me demonstrate.

After I test the channel server,the sapserver.cpp doesn't support reading the 
port number from the sap.cfg.So I revise the struct "prog" and sap.cfg.
Now it runs well.

When I run sapserver and monitor the udp message,I find the sapserver sending 
the message by cas.mcast.net( type tcpdump in linux),This really 
confuse me.As we know,the IP address is hardcore in the sapserver.cpp.When and 
where the sapserver translate the ip address to a domain name?Although it is not 
really important,I want to know the answer.

After I start the sapserver,and run VLC 0.5.2 (compiled version with mad,css package).
Set the channel server in the vlc interface: Channel Server: 
Port:9875(hardcore in sapserver.cpp).There is nothing occurs.The playlist 
doesn't add any udp address.I try to press "go" and change channel.It doesn't work.

I review the "VLC HOW TO".It tell me that I must start with "vlc --extraintf sap" to 
attain the message from channel server.So I try it immedatelly.The vlc really get the 
message from sapserver by this way,although I never set the channel server.I guest
the vlc will use the default channel server and default port to get the message.Then 
I revise the IP address in sapserver. The new IP address is set to 
be address).Run the "vlc --extraintf sap".
Nothing can be got in vlc. Therefore,I make sure that "vlc --extraintf sap" running with 
default port and default channelserver address.

But things never end,I try to run vlc after I change the channel address in 
sapserver.cpp( the Newwork Strean Dialog.Set the channelserver 
and port,It still can not get anything from the channel server.The same problem occurs when 
I set the channelserver to Why? A bug?Do any other way set the channel server?

My computer:Linux 8.0,VLS,VLC 0.5.2(compiled version),Mini-sap-server.

======= At 2003-04-28, 12:39:00 you wrote: =======

>>No, fork() is not supported by win32.
>>However, if you use the cygwin posix emulation layer, fork() should work fine.
>Forgot to say that daemon() should not be needed anyway under win32 if you create your application without an associated console (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS for MSVC or -mwindows for mingw/cygwin).
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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Best regards.				 
zh-ma at hkbn.com.hk

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