[vlc-devel] WINXP: changes to dshow access module to support WDM Capture Card such as ATI AIW

Damien Fouilleul damien.fouilleul at laposte.net
Thu Apr 8 12:54:56 CEST 2004


I've made changes to the ../modules/access/dshow/dshow.cpp and 
../modules/access/dshow/filter.cpp files to use ICaptureGraphBuilder2 
COM to build  the DirectShow Capture graph. This result in a more 
compatible mechanism to use DirectShow Capture cards, and would be the 
preferred way for WDM Capture Card.

I've managed to stream my ATI All-In-Wonder TV Capture card through VLC 
on my wireless network, and the result is stunning, way better than ATI 
MultiMedia Center solution. I also tested this code with my USB Webcam, 
which also works fine.

anyway, I am quite willing to check in the code change if anyone would 
give me CVS write access.

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