[vlc-devel] [PATCH] Stop OSX Mozilla plugin code from making PPC-only assumptions

Charles Duffy cduffy at spamcop.net
Wed Aug 23 03:51:04 CEST 2006

This prevents the plugin from crashing during initialization. I'm still 
not sure it (the VLC plugin on OSX Intel, that is) works beyond that. 
This patch hasn't been tested on PPC, but should be easily desk-checkable.

This is mixed with a few other changes I made: Removing inclusion of X11 
headers on all non-Windows platforms (they aren't necessarily needed on 
MacOS) and wrapping Private_New such that it's called in a manner 
similar to its fellows.

I'm not sure why the latter wasn't in place already, and while making 
the change certainly doesn't seem to break anything on Intel (the point 
where it's crashing now is well past instance initialization), it would 
probably be a Good Thing if someone who knew better than me what's going 
on here were to review.

Comments, anyone? I'm interested in knowing who holds 
ownership/guruship/interest in the Mozilla OSX plugin.
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