[vlc-devel] Green areas in the video when using vlc streaming

Jean-Paul Saman jean-paul.saman at planet.nl
Fri Jul 20 16:49:08 CEST 2007

Herman Schultz wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using VLC streaming (as a boardcaster) to Darwin.
> But when I use a video client (e.g. quicktime/vlc) to watch that stream by
> hitting Darwin, I see a lot of green rectangles in the video in the
> beginning. (see attached screen shot).
> Can you please tell me what is wrong? And how can i fix it?

I suspect this is due to a missing key frame. The decoder just fills in 
the blank in that case. Which of course when missing the first keyframe 
can produce strange effects.

Jean-Paul Saman.
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