[vlc-devel] [PATCH]automatic subtitle detection (windows)

Hannes Domani ssbssa at yahoo.de
Thu May 3 12:19:42 CEST 2007

the automatic detection of subtitle-files is broken on
the windows-svn-build.

problem: subtitles_Detect() expects a file in the
format of "file://c:\path\to\file.avi", but gets on
windows "file:///c:/path/to/file.avi".

it still worked at 0.8.6b, i think.
i saw that the path-separator changed from
part of the problem. or did you change the way the
paths are stored ("file://" -> "file:///")?

my solution was easy, ignore '/' at the beginning, and
get the real last separator.

i know this might not be the 'nicest' solution, but
its working.


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